Millions suffer every day from amphetamine addiction.

Although amphetamines have legitimate medical purposes, they are abused recreationally on a large scale. This clearly points to the need for amphetamine abuse rehab treatment to help people reclaim their lives.

There are, in fact, several amphetamine drugs on the pharmaceutical market. When used as prescribed, they offer tremendous medicinal value to individuals. However, when people fall into the trap of amphetamine abuse, they can wreak havoc on lives until amphetamine drug rehab treatment is sought.

Non-medical amphetamine abuse is increasing each year. In 2013, an estimated 13 million Americans used amphetamines without a prescription. This increase is particularly noticeable among college students. They take drugs like Adderall and Dexedrine to boost all-night study sessions and enhance their partying habits. However, they’re unaware that abusing these stimulants can lead to negative short- and long-term amphetamine effects. For many people, amphetamine drug rehab treatment will be the only effective way to break their addiction.

Types of Amphetamine Drugs

Doctors prescribe amphetamine drugs for a variety of purposes. Because they stimulate the central nervous system, they’ve proven effective for helping individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy and even weight loss.

Examples of amphetamine drugs include:

Adderall and Adderall XR
Adzenys XR-ODT

What Amphetamine Drugs Do

The DEA classifies the majority of amphetamines as Schedule II drugs. This means that while there’s no denying their beneficial properties, there’s also a high potential for abuse. Many people, particularly young adults, use amphetamine drugs without a prescription to increase focus and energy. It can also dampen the effects of alcohol and other substances.

While users gravitate toward amphetamines because of their euphoric properties, abusing them can cause various short- and long-term issues that illustrate the need for amphetamine drug rehab treatment. Negative side effects can include:

Various cardiovascular issues
Breathing difficulty
Cognitive impairment
Constant grinding of teeth
Diminished sexual performance

Along with the above side effects, individuals who consume amphetamines recreationally run the risk of developing a psychological dependence. The brain tricks the body into believing it needs amphetamine drugs to function on a daily basis. An increased tolerance, especially when combined with other substances, can lead to an overdose. However, those struggling with abuse and addiction don’t have to reach this point.

Amphetamine Effects

Across the nation, the amphetamine epidemic is spiraling out of control. One of the main reasons for this phenomenon is that individuals don’t understand dangerous short- and long-term amphetamine effects. Understanding what the drug does can deter people from using. It can also help those struggling with addiction find the amphetamine drug rehab help they need.

Short-Term Amphetamine Effects

Most users associate short-term amphetamine effects with the positives. In many cases, amphetamines are performance-enhancing drugs. In fact, a small percentage of athletes have been caught using drugs like Adderall to increase their energy, focus and goal-directed behavior. When used recreationally, individuals experience heightened euphoria, and it can also prolong concurrent drinking and drug use effects.

However, even short-term amphetamine effects can be dangerous. Because the drug stimulates the central nervous system, it could induce heart palpitations and respiratory difficulties. Using amphetamines could also bring about unnatural sleeping patterns.

Other short-term side effects include:

Decreased sexual performance
Excessive grinding of teeth
Undesired weight loss
Heightened anxiety
Increased mood swings

Long-Term Amphetamine Effects

Continued abuse could lead to adverse amphetamine effects over the long term. Respiratory and cardiovascular issues could become worse. Heavy users could eventually start experiencing psychosis, which simply means they’ll start to lose touch with reality. It could also impair everyday cognitive function.

As if the above side effects weren’t scary enough, prolonged amphetamine use can bring about an increased tolerance. Once individuals develop a higher tolerance, they’ll need more and more of the drug to feel its effects. This can lead to psychological dependence and addiction. Even scarier, it can lead to a fatal amphetamine overdose. To avoid tragedy, it’s a good idea to seek amphetamine drug rehab treatment as soon as possible.

Symptoms of Amphetamine Abuse

Unlike alcohol or marijuana, amphetamines are odorless. Even when you’re concerned about a loved one, it’s often difficult to detect symptoms of amphetamine abuse. Recognizing them, however, is key to getting loved ones the amphetamine drug rehab help they need. In fact, amphetamine drug rehab may be the only way for many people to break this addiction.

Like many drugs, amphetamine addiction often has a negative stigma. Therefore, many users may go to great lengths to hide their problem. Individuals with an addiction generally has a difficult time admitting to the addiction, even to themselves. This phenomenon is often observed in people who are good students or have good jobs. They don’t want to admit that they have allowed themselves to fall into addiction.

Recognizing the symptoms of amphetamine abuse can empower you to help your loved one find help. If you suspect that your loved one has a problem, ask yourself these questions:

Have they lost an unexplained amount of weight within the past few months?
Are there instances where they don’t seem like themselves?
Do they get overly defensive when you ask if something’s wrong?
Have their sleeping habits changed?
Do they grind their teeth constantly?
Do they constantly seem anxious?

Finding Help at an Amphetamine Drug Rehab Facility

If you answered, “yes” to even a few of those questions, you’re empowered to get your loved one the help he or she needs. Amphetamine drug rehab programs across the country help individuals take the first steps to sustainable recovery.

In many instances, amphetamine drug rehab programs start with detox to cleanse the patient’s body of dangerous toxins. Medical professionals will monitor your health and stability as you begin the recovery process. Upon finishing detox, the best programs will help individuals transition into further treatment to address addictive behaviors and start laying the groundwork for effective change.

Don’t let your loved one’s symptoms of amphetamine abuse go untreated. Doing so could lead to tragedy. Empower yourself to get them qualified help at a reputable amphetamine drug rehab center.

How Amphetamine Drug Rehab Can Help

You or someone you love doesn’t have to struggle alone through amphetamine abuse and addiction. Amphetamine drug rehab centers across the country utilize evidence-based therapeutic methods to help individuals overcome substance abuse and begin recovery.

Most amphetamine drug rehab programs begin with a drug detox. During this process, medical professionals will monitor your health, nutrition and mental well-being as they help cleanse the residual toxins from your system. After you’re stable, you’ll transition into a comprehensive program where you’ll learn to adjust behaviors and develop more effective coping techniques to avoid relapse.

This isn’t an easy process but it’s extremely necessary to turn your life around. Get the help you need at an amphetamine drug rehab facility today.

Amphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms

Quitting amphetamine abuse and admitting you have a problem is a tremendous first step to recovery. However, many individuals avoid getting help altogether because they’re scared of harsh amphetamine withdrawal symptoms. Knowing what to expect can relieve anxiety and help individuals take that first step. For professional amphetamine drug rehab to be effective, it’s necessary to endure withdrawal symptoms.

What Will Amphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms Feel Like?

Amphetamine withdrawal symptoms won’t be as physically taxing as alcohol or opiate withdrawal symptoms. However, they’re still dangerous, especially if you or a loved one decide to self-detox.

Detoxing on your own is difficult, and for some people, even dangerous. Many people will have difficulty with the withdrawal symptoms and will decide that the best way to avoid the pain or discomfort is simply to begin using again.

A medically supervised detox is a much better way to go. Having the help of doctors and trained staff members in a safe and supervised environment is the best way to prepare for amphetamine drug rehab treatment.

In a professional detox setting, medical professionals will monitor your overall health and stability as you experience amphetamine withdrawal symptoms, which may include:

Intense cravings
Possible suicidal ideations

Although a detox program will eliminate amphetamine drugs from your system, you aren’t actually recovered yet. At this stage, you’re drug-free. However, you probably won’t remain drug-free for long without effective rehab treatment. You still have to address the addictive behaviors that led you down this road in the first place. That’s what rehab is all about. Transitioning into an amphetamine drug rehab program is the next step in the recovery process.

How an Amphetamine Drug Rehab Promotes Change

As part of a full continuum of care, the best amphetamine drug rehab facilities will make it an easy transition from detox to addiction treatment. They’ll offer multiple levels of care and use proven therapeutic approaches to set the foundation for a new life.

Although amphetamine drug rehab facilities vary, the most common levels of care include:

Residential or inpatient treatment
Partial hospitalization treatment
Intensive outpatient treatment
Outpatient treatment
Aftercare and sober living options

Don’t let amphetamine withdrawal symptoms scare you away from getting treatment. The best amphetamine drug rehab programs will help you start recovering in a safe, comfortable environment as you begin to change your life.

How High-Quality Amphetamine Drug Rehab Can Make a Difference

Individuals looking to overcome their addiction should make the courageous choice to seek help. A professional amphetamine drug rehab addresses both addiction and the underlying causes behind it. Evidence-based treatment programs and therapies work to adjust behaviors, enabling individuals to experience productive post-treatment lives.

Examples of effective therapeutic approaches include:

One-on-one and group counseling
Dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring mental disorders
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Trauma therapy
Mindfulness training
Experiential therapies that promote activity and social bonding

Don’t let amphetamine abuse control your life. If you or someone you love needs help conquering addiction, find a amphetamine drug rehab facility that will suit your unique needs today.

Case Study: The Power of Amphetamine Addiction

David was a freshman college baseball player for a Top 25 program. Although he was a top high school prospect, he was having trouble adjusting to college pitchers. Desperate for an answer, he researched how in some cases Adderall helped players increase their focus and energy. Since it was easy to acquire on campus, he decided to give it a try.

Whether it was a byproduct of the drug or hard work, David saw his hitting drastically improve. He loved how the drug helped him “zone in.” David even noticed added benefits off the field. Not only did it help him study for longer periods of time, but it also enhanced his partying experiences with teammates. David decided to keep using. After all, what could go wrong? Something like amphetamine drug rehab seemed the furthest possible thing from his mind. At this stage, all he could see were the benefits.

After taking it for half the season, David noticed that he needed higher doses of Adderall to feel the desired effect. His teammates noticed that he was starting to lose significant weight, and his hot streak at the plate lost steam. One day, his coach called David into his office and asked for a urine sample. After testing positive for amphetamines, the coach kicked David off the team. The university rescinded his scholarship. This would have been the ideal time to seek amphetamine drug rehab treatment, but that didn’t happen.

Despite losing everything he worked for, David still kept using Adderall. The only difference is he started drinking more. One night while hanging out with his former teammates in a dorm room, he took almost two grams of Adderall and consumed nearly a liter of vodka. David’s teammates didn’t take it seriously when he started vomiting and mumbling to himself before passing out. However, he would never wake up again.

The Importance of Amphetamine Drug Rehab

If you’re struggling with an amphetamine addiction, don’t let David’s story be yours. Don’t let yourself be taken in by the initial perks that amphetamines can offer. These benefits don’t last long. Your body can quickly become dependent on amphetamines and you begin a long spiral downward that can end in tragedy if you don’t do something to stop it.

Don’t let addiction run your life any longer. Find the help you need at a professional amphetamine drug rehab.